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May 08, 2021 1 min read

There's no shortage of beaches to choose from, and with two toddlers I've got to keep our daily activities fresh, or they'll (ahem!) let me know that they're bored. Here's three beaches on Shelter Island that I love to take them, and what we like to do there: 

1. Crescent Beach (best off-season!)

This beach is incredible in a photo, of course, but it's also incredible for a parent because you can literally park directly in front of the stairs to the beach! Very helpful to haul the mess of toys and towels a shorter distance. You get me. Ideal for building sand castles!

toddler on the beach in Shelter Island
Shelter Island beach with kids

2. Wades Beach

The sheer expanse of this beach is great for letting my toddlers just be free... they can safely wander a pretty good distance from me without me worrying, and it feels a lot more like an ocean beach than a beach on the sound. The best part is that it IS on the sound though, so there's no scary waves to give Mama heart palpitations!

baby on the beach on Shelter Island
Child on the beach in the sun on Shelter Island

3. Crab Creek Beach

The one thing my daughter loves more than anything is skipping stones. Well, you know, throwing them toward the water with all your might, whatever you call that. Crab Creek Beach is delightfully uncrowded and it's also got the most beautiful array of stones to throw! We like to bike over with the kids in the toddler seats that go on the back of our bikes, no car required.

child throws stones on Shelter Island beach